
Future of computer

We have been looking at a lot of things about computer. Today, in last article, I will introduce you to future of computer such as cloud computing, e-book and e-learning.

What is Cloud Computing? 
chart1: conceptual diaglam of cloud computing
 Cloud computing is a kind of utility form of computer. In this term, 'cloud' doesn't mean actual cloud but network(Internet). Today, we can utilize Applications such as Word, Database and etc because

Good Points of Cloud Computing
 By utilizing cloud computing, we can deal with same data by different equipments(smartphone, PC, etc), in different places(company, home, train, etc). Also, we can share various forms of information more easily. In short, it will be more easy for everyone to share and access information.

Bad Points of Cloud Computing

  •  danger of Information security 

In cloud computing, various important dates, such as bank personal medical information, are  all stored in some web severs. So, hackers may become intend to attack web severs to gain these information, leading to big loss of user of Cloud.

  • System down
 Although sharing information, database, application and etc brings us comfortable lives, it may lead to very serious ploblems. If system downs occur in cloud, we all cannot use application database and etc, leading to having big impacts on company, indivisuals, and governments.



Introduction of the jobs that is deeply relevant to computers

Today many people works in IT business. But we know very few things about what they does. So I want to  introduce their work to you.

 "Programmer" is defined as a person who makes progrrams. They do 3 parts of work mainly: coding, debug, test. Coding is a work that write progaramms practically and Debug is to find bug in a progrram and remove it.


Qualifications that is useful to take up employment, especially in IT jobs

There are many qualifications in the world. Today I show you these about computer, which may be useful to take up employments, especially in IT jobs.
Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination 

 Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination is a kind of Japanese national certification of for IT speciallist, which play a important role in the development of IT engineer. In this examination, examinees are required to have the knowledge about database technology, network technology, security, managements and so on. Also, they are tested about their skill of programing. By getting this licence, you may be seem as a person who has fundamental knowlege about IT by companies. 
Form of the examination
 This examination is composed of two large sections: the morning section and afternoon section.
  •   The morning section
      The former is a multiple-choice form of examination(1 from 4). In this section, we are tested on knowlege about fundamental computer science, security systems, management and so on.
  •   The afternoon section
      The later is also multiple-choice form of examination, but this is different from the former in that this  asks us to have practical technology and knowlege about programing, algolizm and so on.



Danger Points of Computer

As you all know, PC and Internet are very useful. But these have a lot of danger points. If you pay attention to that, you could suffer with various kinds of problem.

Chart1 conceptual diagram of phishing

 "Phishing" is a kind of fraud attempting to get our personal information such as passwords and credit card dates. Its way to trick us is that:

1, Send a e-mail to us
A swindler sends e-mails that is fairly similar to these of true bank, credit company, and shopping site to us. By reading these, we would belive these contents.

2, Induce us to browse a false site which is very like to that of bank, credit company, and shopping   site.
 The e-mails say that we have to access site of bank and credit card company and tell them our personal information.  Because we believe the e-mails, we are induced to browse not a true site but a fake site, thinking the site is genuin site. 

3, Have us tell them our personal information
  After inducing us, they have let us input personal information and they acquire that, leading to a bad scheme.

 After getting our personal information, a swindler makes bad use of it and get a lot of money, while we suffer from money problems caused by them.

 To let us not to be deceived, we should renew a version of browser that we are now using. Old version of it don't find the site that e-mail show a false one while an up-to-date browsers often can find that and warn us strongly. Also, we can find the sites that e-mails show are  false one by confirming a key mark: SSL mark, that tell us that sites that have SSL mark may be true site.
But now, deceivers have devised a new method that we cannot deal with. Therefore, We have to keep paying attention to Phising.

File Sharing Software
chart2 conceptual diagram of file sharing soft ware

 File sharing software is a software that enable us to share files that someone has. For example, "Winny" is a kind of it. It was used to share data in a company, group, and so on. It has two dangerous points. The one is infringement of copyright. By using file sharing software, people share works that has high values without paying money. This has a big damage on writers. And the other is leakage of information. When you use file sharing soft and get virus, your file will be shared by a lot of people. Therefore, it is possible that your personal information is made bad use of and you may suffer from problems of money, privacy.
 To prevent data from being shared, we should not use file sharing softwware, although it sometimes very useful.
